You have a lot of ideas. Learn how to put them into action.

Political campaigns involve a lot of moving parts. You’re effectively administering a small business — but you have to start from scratch and then complete your mission within a single election cycle. Along the way there are a lot of of different tasks to complete.

MyCampaignGuide has a range of how-to guides on tasks you’ll find yourself facing. Each guide focuses on a single thing, and teaches you what you need to know in a short article that you can read in a few minutes. Think of us as a reference book you can open up when you need a refresher on some specific campaign task.

Download templates for an easy start

Every political campaign requires a whole folder-tree full of documents. You’ll need letterhead and a supporter prospectus and a messaging document and call scripts and thank you letters and followup letters and a logo to go on all of it.

You can save time if you start from pre-designed templates instead of starting from scratch. MyCampaignGuide has a whole range of templates and other downloads to make your job easier.

Be first in line for the complete campaign guide ebook

We are working on an ebook incorporating all the campaign information gathered in this site. We can let you know when that’s available so you can take the campaign guide with you and review it offline.

Sign up below to be first in line on the waitlist.